Support Our Schools and teachers unions want to strip away the rights of parents and students by removing school choice and education freedom options.

We stand united with Nebraska families & students and are committed to defending educational opportunities created by the passage of the Opportunity Scholarships Act.

Report lies from petitioners you’ve encountered here.

Were you misled by Support Our Schools petitioners? Remove your name from the petition.

This is where the link will jump to

Misinformation from Brian Mikkelsen, NSEA Director of Political Action.

Misinformation from Brian Mikkelsen, NSEA Director of Political Action.

Misinformation from Brian Mikkelsen, NSEA Director of Political Action.

Misinforming and aggressive tweets.

Black Minds Matter hosts a discussion about Nebraska school choice

A petitioner intentionally misleads a citizen to get them to sign the anti LB753 (the Opportunity Scholarship Act) petition.

A misinformed “Support Our Schools” petitioner gives incorrect, misleading, and false information about LB753 (the Opportunity Scholarship Act), claiming it will benefit “rich kids.”

Text message conversation with Brian Mikkelsen, NSEA Director of Political Action.

Poll claiming Nebraska voters oppose school choice used misleading questions, lawmaker says - The Lion

A recent poll falsely claims a slight majority of Nebraskans oppose school choice, says the lawmaker who authored the related bill. According to the OpenSky Policy Institute, which is involved in petition effort against LB 753, a bill creating tax credits for private school scholarships, 55% of Nebraska voters oppose it.


Nebraska Democratic Party inappropriately trades pizza for petitions.




Have you seen petitioners behaving inappropriately, or breaking campaign laws? Send a confidential email describing what you saw.